JD Domovoi

I'm a creator. Anything from cooking, to furniture and tactical armors. Join me as I write just about anything you can imagine here.

Fact 3 | Putting sugar on a wound reduces pain and speeds up the healing process

To help heal seriously infected wounds, some surgeons have revived a 4,000-year-old treatment. Born on the battlefields of ancient Egypt: they pack the depths of treacherous wounds with sweet substances like sugar. Dressings made of sugar and honey, favored by healers throughout history, fell into disfavor with the development of antibiotics …

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Fact 1 | You can’t taste food unless it’s mixed with your saliva

The gustatory system creates the human sense of taste, allowing us to perceive different flavors from substances that we consume as food and drink. Gustation, along with olfaction (the sense of smell), is classified as chemoreception. Because it functions by reacting with molecular chemical compounds in a given substance. Specialized …

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Ivanka Trump and questionable glances at the prime minister of Canada

Released pictures of Ivanka Trump watching Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he officially visited the White House on February 13 has raised a lot of reactions in all of the social medias. People interpret this glances as something more than pure diplomatic courtesy. Being among the youngest government officials in the history of …

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