Wednesday , January 22 2025
pigeon system

Why Google is the best search engine ?

Do agree with me that “Google is superior to any other search engine?” Pigeonrank system is the reason for being the best. This was the title at the top of a Internet look for results web page on May first along with a picture of lines of best pigeons near computers. The new The look for applications web page declared that, “The heart of Google look for technological innovation is PigeonRank, a program for position websites developed by The look for applications creators Ray Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford School.”

pigeon system

The statement ongoing, “Building upon the cutting-edge perform of B. F. Skinner, Page and Brin reasoned that low cost bird groups (PCs) could be used to figure out the family member value of websites quicker than human authors or machine-based methods. And while The look for applications has many designers working to improve every aspect of our service on a regular base, PigeonRank constantly provide the base for all of our web look for tools.”

The article stated that because of the home bird, Columba livia’s capability to be trained The look for applications has been able to outpace the other google in their relevance position projects. The special typical of this bird is it capability to identify between minute details in web websites and sort them accordingly. Because of the PigeonRank™ program, The look for applications is “superior to traditional google, which typically depend on wildlife of food, brooding flock or slow-moving waterfowl to do their importance positions.”

The webpages, which get the most bird pecks, get rated at the top of the search term classification for a particular look for. B. F. Skinner who is known as the “Father of Personality Modification” in emotional groups, and an enthusiastic bird person, is given credit for his studies with best pigeons as breaking the ground for PigeonRank™ technological innovation. The best pigeons do not perform in computer rooms, but rather “data coops” where they peck out look for results positions for thousands of web websites and bird waste is reusable into observe p for display on the The look for applications website.

About Hamid

I am an entrepreneur and internet marketer from Middle East. Born 1985, Graduated in Industrial Engineering & Marketing . Interested in Web designing and E-commerce, E-Marketing and Management issues.


  1. Who said Google is the best ! For me Bing is the best !

  2. For sure Bing had improved its quality in recent months, but i think Google is the best yet !

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