Friday , February 7 2025

Justice League Dark 2017 movie and plot review by Alphonse Pivaux

DC has done it again. Their latest work to be released on February 7th is called Justice League Dark. I must say, DC has been making great efforts on their animations in the past few years. These efforts has not been in vein. I could say their animations are even better than their movies.

Even though the movie isn’t set to release until 6 days from now, I was lucky enough to receive a copy of it from the studio. For most of you, the following things are gonna be spoilers. So leave if you want to wait for the movie.

This story focuses more on the the lesser known DC characters. In fact, the name Justice League Dark isn’t really suitable for it. Because you don’t see that much of the original Justice League members. Well except for the Batman. The main characters you’ll see in this animation are Batman, Constantine, Zatanna, Boston Brand, and Jason Blood a.k.a Etrigan the demon.

Justice League Dark

The plot goes on to show us the return of an ancient evil called Destiny. It also gives us a quick origin story of Etrigan the demon and how he was bound to Jason Blood by the wizard Merlin. Which both of them are connected to the villain Destiny.

As the story goes, this team of mismatched alliance of heroes strive to discover what evil is behind the madness that has fallen to humanity. People start hallucinating demons and fight each other to save themselves. Where in reality they’re just killing each other. Our heroes are tricked into thinking the wizard Felix Faust is behind everything. But soon they find out that they’ve been betrayed by Constantine’s friend Ritchie Simpson.

Ritchie who is on the brink of death find a piece of the dream stone that belonged to Destiny. The dream stone links him to the ancient wizard and that enables him to be brain-washed by Destiny in order to become immortal. But soon enough Constantine and others discover this treachery and confront Ritchie in order to defeat him.

This DC film introduces a lot of new characters from the comic books that haven’t got much recognition in recent years. I was certainly glad to see my favorite Green Lantern, John Stewart to make an appearance in DC universe again.

Overall I believe it was a great movie. Not as epic as the previous Justice League or even the solo Batman animations, but it was still pretty good. I am quiet sure that Justice League Dark isn’t gonna be the last of it’s series. So let’s all just wait and see.

About Alphonse Pivaux

Everything you expected from a movie nerd. Sit on the couch all day and watch movies.

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