Frozen Potato in anus is a very unusual, wrong and DANGEROUS solution is rising in social medias for curing hemorrhoid ! Stop using frozen Potato in anus to cure hemorrhoids, It’s wrong solution, it’s dangerous ! This comes as an increasing number of hemorrhoid sufferers have reportedly taken to the …
Read More »Where do ants live in the winter?
The answer to the question “Where do ants live in the winter” is both simple and complicated ! Because first we should understand if these pets are alive in winter or not !? Are these ants hibernates in winter? Lets continue reading to get answer to this question about ants. …
Read More »Where Do Ants Go at Night?
I have talked about ants in one of my previous posts, and now i want to answer this question “Where Do Ants Go at Night?” . I think ants are one of strange insects who has many secrets, and that’s why i’m going to talk about these animals in my …
Read More »The map that tells you when everyone is going to die
At first you might think this map is a little morbid, but life expectancy has always been one of those topics that’s fascinated us humans from, well, the beginning of time. If you rewind a hundred or so years, you’ll notice that we’re all living a lot longer than what we …
Read More »3 easy ways to get rid of ants
Let’s talk about one the most annoying insects ! And learn how to get rid of ants by these 3 easy ways to get rid of ants. During warm weather or rainy seasons, many people discover ants entering their houses and garden areas.There are different types of ants, but the …
Read More »Astonishing things about giraffe’s supersized neck
Whenever we want to say that someones neck is long, we relate him or her to Giraffe ! Long neck is the most important specification of this astonishing animal. Lets talk about astonishing things about giraffe’s supersized neck.
Read More »Great Barrier Reef declared dead by scientists after 25 million years
The Great Barrier Reef has recently been declared dead by scientists at 25 million years old. Bringing an end to the colorful life of the world’s largest single structure of living organisms. The incredible Coral Sea wilderness, which stretches for roughly 1,400 miles over an area of roughly 133,00 square …
Read More »Fact 5 | Sharks are immune to all known diseases
Sharks and antiviral medications may seem like they have nothing in common. Au contraire mon ami, you may be surprised to know that sharks are at the cutting edge of viral research. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports that a compound in sharks …
Read More »Fact 4 | Each time you see a full moon you always see the same side
You may have heard references made to the “dark side” of the Moon. This popular term refers to the fact that the same physical half of it, the “near side”, is always facing Earth, which in turn means that there is a far side or so-called “dark side” that is …
Read More »Fact 1 | You can’t taste food unless it’s mixed with your saliva
The gustatory system creates the human sense of taste, allowing us to perceive different flavors from substances that we consume as food and drink. Gustation, along with olfaction (the sense of smell), is classified as chemoreception. Because it functions by reacting with molecular chemical compounds in a given substance. Specialized …
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