Thursday , January 23 2025

Superhero dream is now becoming a reality you can reach


Pretty much everyone dreams about being a superhero as a child. I myself always wanted to feel the glory of being the defender of the innocent. But what makes a superhero? Is it just enough to fall in radioactive waste and come back out with super-human strength? Maybe, but the most important part of becoming a superhero is the outfit. The outfit defines the hero you want to be.


Now over the past few years everyone has grown to known a hobby called cosplay. Cosplay is wearing the costumes of your favorite characters and pretty much walking around pretending to be them. The fascinating thing is that cosplayers have come a long way since sewing their outfits using their mother’s sewing machine in the basement. As the technology advances, so does the art of cosplay. Some use these technologies to create this fascinating wearable arts. Others dedicate their years of experience and hard work to make sure the ones who do not posses the knowledge of how to make these awesome outfits have their own chance.

Uratz Studios

Created by Mike Loh, the Uratz studios is located in shanghai and it manufactures the helmets, masks, and body armors for some our most favorite characters. “Mask Making, Sculpting,Mold-making,Casting Stuff, Armor Building, Concept Designs for Characters, Anything Predator related. Mean and Nasty creatures. Anything of the Dark and Scary. Expelling my darkest demons through my work”. Mike Loh built Legos as a child and he grew up as an Artist, learning to draw. At age 32 he began prop making and started laying down the foundations for his own product design company.

The Uratz studios is now providing these high quality and perfectly designed props worldwide. Although they don’t come for a cheap price, I can guarantee what you’re buying is worth the price. Be sure to look out for him throughout the next few years, because he might very well be the Steve Jobs of the props industry.

Uratz studios Instagram

Uratz Studios Deviant Art



About JD Domovoi

I'm a creator. Anything from cooking, to furniture and tactical armors. Join me as I write just about anything you can imagine here.

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