Wednesday , January 22 2025
Where do ants go in winter
Where do ants go in winter

Where do ants live in the winter?

The answer to the question “Where do ants live in the winter” is both simple and complicated ! Because first we should understand if these pets are alive in winter or not !? Are these ants hibernates in winter? Lets continue reading to get answer to this question about ants. (In one of our previous posts we answer this question : where do ants go at night)

Where do ants live in the winter?

As we know ants can be seen in various places from spring to fall, they go into hibernation in the winter. Besides that, from spring to fall, many kinds of ants are seen to come from, and go into, the entrances of their nests, but these entrances are closed in winter and no ants are seen to come from there.

The body temperature of ants changes in response to the atmospheric temperature. In winter, their body temperature falls so greatly that their movements inevitably grow sluggish. Therefore, they hibernate restlessly in relatively warm places, such as the soil or under the bark of trees.
Most species of ants eat a large amount of food in autumn to put on fat, thereby allowing them to go without food through the winter. (Where Do Ants Live in Winter)
The entrance to the ant nest nests is closed as a natural result of the slowdown and cessation of ant traffic. Furthermore, soil or sand has accumulated around the entrance. When spring comes and it gets warmer, the ants become active and open up the entrance of their nest to venture outside.

Ants in Winter
Ants in Winter

What do ants do in cold days of winter ?

Ants have a few creative tricks to regulate their temperatures during the seasons. The type of trick depends on the ant species. Some ants build their colony under a large rock and use the rock to collect heat from the sun. Other ants build mounds with unique tunnels that collect heat, and some even use the heat of decomposing leaves. These tricks help regulate temperatures year-round, but as the weather gets even colder, the temperature drops, causing a behavior change in winter ants.

Where ants go in winter
Where ants go in winter

Then to make the answer of “Where do ants live in the winter?” we should say that they are alive and they are in their nest underground, in hibernation and waiting for hard work in summer again.

About Hamid

I am an entrepreneur and internet marketer from Middle East. Born 1985, Graduated in Industrial Engineering & Marketing . Interested in Web designing and E-commerce, E-Marketing and Management issues.

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