Wednesday , January 22 2025
Signs that shows cheating
Signs that shows cheating

Absolute signs that shows your boyfriend is cheating on you

Does my boyfriend loves me ? Does he cheating on me ? These are we are common questions that many young girls or also women have in mind. We are going to tell you Absolute signs that shows your boyfriend is cheating on you !

First symptom : He is on phone or online more than usual

Sometimes being online or be n phone has acceptable reason, like univesity exam or doing some tasks for business. But when you couldn’t find any acceptable reason, this is a very dangerous symptom for cheating.

signs that shows your boyfriend is cheating

If he’s suddenly glued to his phone, watch out. This is a major concern, especially if he’s sneaky about it. If he doesn’t tell you who he’s talking to or what he’s doing and gets mad if you ask him or happen to glance at his phone, this is a red flag.

A man who’s 100% into the relationship and doesn’t have another woman in the mix will have nothing to hide. He won’t be constantly texting someone else and acting funny about it.

If you feel like his attention is always elsewhere, either directed at his phone or the computer, then he could be connecting with someone else online. If he acts defensive about it, won’t tell you more, and tries to hide it from you, this is a sign he’s cheating or about to cheat.

2nd symptom : His appearance got more importance than before

If he suddenly takes a renewed interest in his appearance when you’re in an established relationship, he’s probably not trying to impress you.

Has he joined a gym out of the blue? Is he trying to lose weight? If he never had an interest in working out before, he could be preening to try to attract someone new.

3rd symptom : His online dating profile is still alive and active

If you are looking for signs that shows your boyfriend is cheating this item plays an important role here. While you closed your account the second you became official … you notice he never did. Or maybe he did, but you noticed it recently became reactivated. Or maybe someone you know stumbled upon him on a dating app …

A man who isn’t looking to cheat will not leave his profile up once you’re official, and if he takes it down when you do, he definitely won’t reactivate it later. This is a clear sign he’s already cheating, or at the very least wants to.

Does he have a dating app on his phone that wasn’t there before, or when you ask him to delete it you notice it’s still there weeks later? These are not the signs of a man who wants to be faithful.

4th symptom : More privacy needed !

Everybody needs a certain amount of privacy, and people can be different about how much of it they need. Some people are fine with sharing their email passwords or leaving their Facebook pages open, others are not. The point is, he won’t be one way and then suddenly change without good reason.

If he used to keep his phone unlocked all the time and leave it on the table when he left the room, and now it’s always locked and he takes it with him, or he used to leave his accounts open when he walked away from the computer and now he’s signing out first, there’s a reason.

Privacy about his personal space is important too. If he used to want to have you around right when he got off from work, and now he wants to go right to the bedroom for “me” time or a shower first, this could be a sign he’s cheating.

In the end, relationships are about openness and sharing. You are working toward sharing a life together. If it felt like he was open and sharing before but now he’s suddenly shutting you out, it’s a huge red flag.


If you saw more than two of above symptoms then it would be really dangerous and you should do something ! leave a comment for us about your experience in finding his cheats !

About Hector

A young Russian boy who loves writing.

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